Virtual Naturopathic Doctor Vancouver

Are you seeking a naturopathic doctor in Vancouver who provides holistic, personalized healthcare through virtual consultations? Dr. Ibby Omole, is dedicated to your well-being and offers a wide range of naturopathic treatments tailored to meet your unique health needs, all from the comfort of your home.

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Meet Dr. Ibby Omole
Whether you’re seeking treatment for a specific health concern or want to improve your overall wellness, I am here to guide you through lifestyle changes on your healing journey. I am committed to providing holistic, personalized healthcare services and programs to promote optimal well-being.
Naturopathic Doctor Serving British Columbia
Located in Burlington, Ontario, I am licensed in both Ontario and British Columbia. All of my appointments and programs are delivered virtually for your safety and convenience.
Driven By Results
Many women have been told that their health issues are not real or fixable. Together, my patients and I have radically transformed their life and health. My patients have babies after being told they can never conceive. I have helped heal chronic pelvic floor pain and balanced hormones. Most women’s health issues combine lifestyle choices and genetic predispositions. While genetics cannot be altered, you can make informed decisions based on your genes to have more energy and clarity. My core belief about health is that it is more than an absence of disease. Healthcare should focus on prevention, not just detection.
Dr. Ibby Omole sitting on a stool
A genes icon designed for My Genes and I wellness program.
My Genes and I

Our DNA carries a tremendous amount of information that, when unlocked, allows us to have greater control over our health. Genomics allows us to predict our chances of certain diseases, detect them before they happen and, in some instances, prevent them from occurring. Through the My Genes and I program, you can unlock your DNA, be proactive with your health and get personalized health recommendations that align with your genetic code to improve your overall well-being and quality of life.

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A gut health icon designed for the Gut Rebuilding Program.
Beyond IBS: Gut Intelligence Program

From bloating and gas to indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), an unbalanced microbiome can lead to a host of digestive and systemic health issues. This program was specifically designed to identify and address the root cause of gut imbalance. It incorporates natural remedies, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle modifications to optimize your gut microbiome and enhance your well-being.

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A Fertility icon designed for My Healthy Fertility Program.
My Healthy Fertility

Are you seeking a holistic approach to enhance your fertility journey? This program addresses the root cause of infertility while supporting the body’s innate healing powers. It combines genomic analysis, nutrient repletion, mind-body techniques and lifestyle recommendations to create an environment where fertility flourishes.

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A Pelvic Health Icon.
My Healthy Pelvis

Embark on a transformative journey towards pelvic health and well-being with a holistic and comprehensive program that nurtures your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. My Healthy Pelvic program uses a combination of nutrition, genomics, lifestyle modifications, supplements and acupuncture to help you reconnect with your body.

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Image of Dr. Ibby Omole, Naturophathic Doctor

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Providing virtual and in person consultations

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