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Tired of guessing what your body needs to feel healthy and vibrant?

No two people are alike and one pill doesn’t fit all.  Your health needs and requirements are as unique to you as your fingerprint. This program uses your genetic data from Ancestry DNA to do a complete wellness analysis that includes over 1000 specific lifestyle genes.

How it Works
Getting started with a 15 minute consultation

This program uses your genetic data from Ancestry DNA to do a comprehensive wellness analysis that includes thousands of genetic variants that influence your health and wellbeing.

To get started, join me for a free 15 minute consultation call where I will explain how this program work and the benefits towards your wellness.


For the Genetic Wellness Program, you will need to purchase an Ancestry DNA test kit.

Genetic Interpretation
Genetic interpretation - once your raw data is received, a genetic cheat sheet will be generated and your data analysis will begin.
Follow Up Appointment
I require approximately 1 week to analyze the data and produce a Gene Based Health Blueprint.
Image of Dr. Ibby Omole, Naturophathic Doctor
Unlock Your Genetic Wellness Potential with 'My Genes and I' program.
Discover the secrets within your genes! Schedule a free 15-minute consultation to explore the transformative power of 'My Genes and I'. Let's embark on a personalized wellness journey tailored to your unique genetic profile.

Genomic Categories

Methylation/ Vitamin and Mineral
  • Learn if you have a higher need for vitamins and minerals such as folate, B12, Omega 3 fatty acids, zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, choline, B6, Vitamin A.
  • Uncover if you carry the MTHFR gene and which diseases you might be at risk for.
  • Learn if you require probiotics due to your genetics.
  • Discover if you are more likely to have detoxification problems.
Inflammation/ Immune
  • Are you at risk for chronic pain and inflammation?
  • Learn your risk for autoimmune disorders and how to prevent them.
  • Discover if you are more prone to celiac disease, histamine intolerance and inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Discover if inflammation is affecting your mood, energy, and physical performance.
My Genes and Heart Health
  • Discover your genetics for a heart attack.
  • Uncover how your genetics affect your cholesterol levels.
  • Are you at a higher risk for inflammation in your vessels?
  • Find out if plant sterols will work for you to lower your cholesterol levels.
  • Learn about your risk for blood clot, miscarriage and stroke.
My Genes and Cardiovascular
  • Learn the exact amount of protein, carbs and fats your body can handle.
  • Uncover if you benefit from intermittent fasting or not.
  • Find out how to optimize your resistance workout and get results.
  • Learn if snacking is making you gain weight.
  • Uncover how to lose weight and keep it off for good.
  • Are you more susceptible to dairy intolerance?
  • Uncover how to get more energy and prevent injuries.
Detox/ Hormones
  • Learn if you are a fast or slow detoxifier.
  • Does caffeine have a negative effect on your body?
  • Discover how well you detoxify pesticides in your body.
  • Uncover if you have a higher antioxidant need in your body.
  • Learn how well you break down pharmaceutical medications.
  • Find out if phthalates are a problem for you to break down.
  • Learn how well your body metabolizes estrogen and testosterone.
  • Uncover how your genes are affecting your reproductive health.
Brain/ Mood
  • Discover your risk of anxiety, emotional eating and depression.
  • Uncover how to balance your neurotransmitters for improved mental clarity and mood.
  • Learn your risk for late onset Alzheimer's’ disease.
  • Find out if you are at risk for addictive behaviour and how to control it.
  • Uncover how you respond to stress and ways to manage it.
  • Learn the genetic factors that influence seasonal affective disorder and how to manage it.
Sleep/ Circadian rhythm
  • Uncover how well you make melatonin.
  • Learn how your circadian rhythm affects your mood and mental well being.
  • Discover the genetic reason you are waking up between 3 and 4 am.
  • Find out if you are a night owl and how to correct it and get more sleep.
  • Learn your genetic risk for restless leg syndrome.
  • Uncover if caffeine is negatively affecting your sleep.
  • Are you going into slow wave sleep and how to get you there.
Book Your Free 15-min Consultation with a Registered Naturopathic Doctor in Burlington, Ontario!
Helping You Get To The Root Cause Of Your Health Concerns Without The Overwhelm and Confusion.
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