Empower Your Fertility Journey

My Healthy Fertility Program

The My Healthy Fertility Program is a unique and comprehensive approach designed to establish a solid foundation for a healthy pregnancy. Ideal for individuals or couples not yet ready for advanced assisted reproductive therapy, this program optimizes fertility through targeted identification of obstacles to conception. Utilizing a combination of nutrition, lifestyle recommendations, and personalized blood work/lab assessments, we aim to enhance your chances of achieving a healthy pregnancy and welcoming a precious baby into your life.

How it works
Preconception Consultation (90 Mins)
  • Gene-based fertility Assessment
  • Hormone lab testing
  • Health questionnaires for toxicity, nutritional deficiencies, stress, sleep and exercise.
  • Personalized exercise, diet, and supplement plan
Over the next 3 Months
We will be working on the following:
  • Correcting hormonal imbalances
  • Improve conditions that affect fertility such as PCOS, fibroids and endometriosis (if applicable)
  • Improve sperm quality, quantity and motility.
  • Improve digestion and energy
  • Improve overall nutrition.
Guided Progress: Biweekly Check-Ins for Personalized Program Refinement
During this 3 month period, we will follow up with biweekly check-ins. At which time we can modify and adapt the plan as needed.
Image of Dr. Ibby Omole, Naturophathic Doctor
Empower Your Fertility Journey

Begin with a Free 15-Minute Consultation!

When it comes to fertility there isn’t a shortage of cleanses, programs and supplements that is available to the average woman / couple. However, chances are you are not the average woman / couple and you are searching for a program that is evidence-based and actually works.

Take the first step toward a healthy pregnancy. Book your free 15-minute consultation now and embark on the transformative My Healthy Fertility Program.

Let's tailor a plan for your fertility goals together!

Book Your Free 15-min Consultation with a Registered Naturopathic Doctor in Burlington, Ontario!
Helping You Get To The Root Cause Of Your Health Concerns Without The Overwhelm and Confusion.
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